Don't whine about getting your flash banned, it's pointless.
What's up! Thanks for viewing my page. I'm quite new to flash. I use flash 8 and am currently working on an animation. Thanks for reading and keep being awesome!
Age 28, Male
Animator hopefully..
Joined on 1/9/10
Don't whine about getting your flash banned, it's pointless.
It's not that it was banned but the fact that it was the wrong movie and there was no way to remove it before I got banned that annoys me.
Maybe if you contact a moderator (<a href=""></a> - click on 'Moderators' at the top) and explain your problem they might let you off. It's worth a try.
Thanks dude. I'll try it. If it doesn't work then look on the bright side, I have more time to commit to my animations and I can add more detail without temptation of uploading them. Thanks for the help!